Fire Safety Plan
A Fire Safety Plan is a plan suited to the resources provided by individual buildings. Emergency planning is mandated by the Ontario Fire Code, and is extremely important to the health and safety of all individuals. In order to keep the people within a building safe there must be an implemented Fire Safety Plan that uses the necessary safety features. The Ontario Fire Code states there must by an implemented fire safety plan for buildings containing the following:
- Occupancy load of 300+ in a low hazard industry.
- Occupancy load of 100+ in a medium hazard industry.
- Occupancy of 25+ in a high hazard industry.
- Occupancy load of 300+ in mercantile, business and personal services.
- Occupancy load 10+ in residential.
- Assembly, care or detention occupancy.
Fire Safety Plan - No Fire Alarms
This Fire Safety Plan is designed for occupancies not required to have a fire alarm system. The fillable document of the fire safety plan can be accessed by clicking on the link below.
Fire Safety Plan - Fire Alarm
This Fire Safety Plan is designed for occupancies required to have a fire alarm system. The fillable document of the fire safety plan can be accessed by clicking on the link below.
Fire Safety Plan - Hotels
This Fire Safety Plan is designed for hotels. The fillable document of this fire safety plan can be accessed by clicking on the link below.
Pre-Fire Plans
A Pre-Fire Plan is an outline of a given building with noted fire department access locations, high hazard areas and other information important in the event of a fire. If created and implemented properly it can reduce damage and ensure the safety of all individuals within the building. Pre-Fire Plans are not required by law but are strongly recommended. It is extremely important the fastest and safest ways out of a building are noted before a fire to ensure the health and safety of everyone inside. Pre-Fire Plans can be easily created, to get you started you may fill out the Pre-Fire Plan questionnaire out below. The questionnaires purpose is to provide the Brockville Fire Department with emergency contact information in the event of a fire or other call. This can eliminate confusion and make the initial response to the fire much quicker, ultimately causing less damage to the property and all individuals inside. Please complete the document below, attach it in an email, and send to
- Assembly Occupancy
- Residential Occupancy
- Care Occupancy
- Detention Occupancy
- Merchantile Occupancy
- Business and Personal Service Occupancy
- High-Hazard Industrial Occupancy
- Medium-Hazard Industrial Occupancy
- Low-Hazard Industrial Occupancy
Occupancy in which persons are under restraint or are incapable of self-preservation because of security measures not under their control.
Occupancy or use of a building or part thereof for the displaying or selling of retail goods, wares or merchandise.
Occupancy or use of a building or part thereof for the transaction of business or the rendering or receiving of professional or personal service.
Industrial occupancy that contains sufficient quantities of highly combustible and flammable or explosive materials that, because of their inherent characteristics constitute a special fire hazard.
Industrial occupancy in which the combustible content is more than 50kg/m2 or 1200MJ/m2 of floor area and not classified as high hazard industrial company.
Industrial occupancy in which the combustible content is not more than 50kg/m2 or 1200MJ/m2 of floor area.