Cumber Close, Malbourough UK

A small house fire broke out in Malbourough, UK early in the morning of May 16th, 2017. The cause of the fire was quickly dicovered to be due to a cigarette. A cigarette left smoldering on the couch in the living room quickly turned into an uncontrollable fire. Proper...

North York Rooming House Charged

A 47 year old woman was left dead after the outbreak of a fire in a North York rooming house. The owners of the rooming house have been charged with several fire code violations due to the absence of a fire-alarm system and a fire safety plan along with the additional...

Oneida House Fire

A house fire on the Oneida of the Thames First Nations that took places in the winter of 2016 has been said to have been started by one o the young children living in the house. This house fire killed all the residents living inside, a total of five people. Young...

Fort McMurray, Alberta

The Fort McMurray fire that swept Alberta in the spring of 2016 was a devestating fire causing $3.58 billion dollars in insured damages through the destruction of roughly 2,400 buildings. The presence of many campers during the spring season, and the absence of...

Family Fireworks

A 41 year old man in Fargo, North Dakota was decapitated by a low hazard firework on the 4th of July in 2011. In an attempt to light one of the fireworks he didn’t think he lit, the firework set off and decapitated him in front of his entire family and neighbours. In...