Trucks As Teaching Tools, Brockville Ontario

It’s put in its time in service of the community; now, this 20-year-old Brockville Fire Department war horse may dedicate the rest of its days to teaching. Brockville council is expected to vote next week on a motion to donate a retired 1997 pumper truck to St....

Young Hero, Brockville Ontario

A young boy in the city of Brockville has saved a man life. Ten-year-old Jamison Laurin knew something was wrong when the fire alarm was not shutting off in an apartment unit down the hall from where his mother lives. Jamison ventured down the hall, wondering about...

House Fire, Brockville ON

Some people may consider themselves “paranoid” about making sure their smoke detectors are working, but this so-called paranoia likely will save lives. Proper smoke alarm maintenance and installation definitely  saved a Brockville families lives in a house fire....